New UP version
UP ver. 3.69 is available:
New devices (especially R5F12xxx, AVR64/32/16xxx a CY15xxx) were implemented, improvement and fixes were made.
Reference manuals for PRESTO and FORTE have been updated.
ASIX celebrates 33rd birthday!
Our company has been registered on 11 July 1991, 33 years ago.
Many thanks to all our customers for all your support!
New UP version
UP ver. 3.68 is available:
New devices (especially PIC16/18, CY8 and STM32) were implemented, a fix was made.
New UP version
UP ver. 3.67 is available:
New devices (especially CY8C40xxx for FORTE) were implemented, changes and fixes were made.
New UP version
UP ver. 3.66 is available:
New devices (especially Microchip PIC18Fxxx, Fujitsu FRAM MB85xxx and Geehy APM32Fxxx for FORTE) were implemented and fixes were made.
New UP version
UP ver. 3.65 is available:
New devices (especially CY8C401xxx, Zilog Z8Fxxx and STM32Gxxx for FORTE) were implemented and changes and fixes made.
Reference manual for FORTE has been updated.
New UP version
UP ver. 3.64 is available:
New devices (especially STM32G491xx and Zilog Z8Fxxx for FORTE) were implemented and changes and fixes made.
Reference manuals for PRESTO and FORTE have been updated.
New JTAG SVF Player
JTAG SVF Player ver. 3.12 is available.
An improvement and two fixes made.
New SIGMA-OMEGA version
SIGMA-OMEGA - ver. 2024-01-18 (3.09) is available:
Improvements have been made - no licence is required for the USB decoder and in the View menu of the application there have been added several items,
especially zoom controls. Reference manuals for OMEGA and SIGMA2/SIGMA logic analyzers have been updated.